Tuesday 3 April 2012

Business Card Commission

A business card commission with a difference - Business cards for an I.T. worker!  Not the usual illustrator commission I get I must say.  But Anthony Capstick wanted something a bit different from your standard I.T. business card.  Less and less people have them, he says, and therefore he wanted to be able to stand out rather than have his card forgotten about.

Step one:  A must have these days for any I.T. personnel/geek...a QR Code.  Now, i thought I had it sussed.  I downloaded the App onto my phone, I googled it, I watched YouTube videos on it, I followed steps online to create one.  but somehow it wasn't quite working out.  It took a rather geeky conversation over designing some cards for the lovely Julie of 'Jules and the gang' (can be seen here) for me to find out that I can create the QR Codes right on my phone - genius!  It was then easy as can be to link a QR Code to Anthony's business site 'Instant-Search'

Try it out for yourself please:

I'm very happy with myself about this.  So much so that I created one for myself!

Step two:  Put together illustration and I.T.  Easier than I thought it would be!  At first this card worried me a lot, I thought I needed to get it 'technically' correct.  Then I accepted that Anthony would be after something with my style or he wouldn't of asked me, and then I could relax.  And then came the final card design.

The cards I've designed have two sides which are almost polar opposites with one in red and one in blue.  Anthony has a personal side and a business side.  The two really are linked, but this makes its easy for potential clients to see the difference.

Lets hope he likes them too - the proofs are in the post!

1 comment:

laura manfre said...

So clever! You've done an amazing job Charlotte!